About Tobias
Selected International Awards
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2022)
Fellowship Award, Association of Psychological Science (2018)
Mercator Fellowship Award, German Research Foundation (2015)
Early Career Award, International Society on Infant Studies (2012)
Early Career Research Award, Society for Research in Child Development (2011)
Selected Major Grants/Funding as Principal Investigator
National Science Foundation (USA): The developmental origins of social interaction processing in the human brain (2020)
National Science Foundation (USA): Epigenetic influences on the early development of social brain functions (2017)
Max Planck Society (Germany): Developing social minds - A neuroscience perspective (2012)
Wellcome Trust (United Kingdom): The role of prefrontal cortex in the development of uniquely human social cognition (2007)
Editorial Activity
Cognition, Editorial Board (since 2021)
Developmental Review, Editorial Board (since 2019)
Infancy, Editorial Board (since 2018)
PLOS Biology, Editorial Board (since 2018)
I acknowledge the Monacan People as the traditional custodians of the land in and around Charlottesville, and acknowledge that UVA was built by enslaved laborers.